Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Diploma's in Outdoor Education

BCA and Hall Place OEC are offering Diploma's in Outdoor Education in 2013.  These courses are your first step into an exciting career in a growing industry where your office can be white water river on one day or a mountain top the next.  You will meet likeminded passionate people with a flair for the extraordinary and have the chance to really change peoples lives in a positive way.  Whether you are working with school children or adults, everyday is different and the adventure starts from the moment you wake up.

Our courses focus on strong work ethics, pathways to employment, continued training or higher education.  The opportunities will include skills training in outdoor activities, leadership and coaching, an understanding of environmental education in outdoor activities and access to national governing body awards to give you the best start for your future career.

For more information please see our page on Outdoor Education Diplomas or contact us.