White Waltham Primary School visited us this week to experience our World War 2 Experience. After basic training the new recruits went on patrol to find parts of a German war plane sent to assassinate Winston Churchill at his country residence. The place was carrying a new secret bomb which the recruits had to locate and diffuse.
Along the way, we discovered wreckage, evidence of a possible spy, decoded a message and safely diffused the bomb. The children completed a detailed 'Battle Map' of the area and worked out what type of plane had been shot down. We never did find the 'spy'.
Through talking to Sgt Malone, rationing, the evacuation and the Blitz was discussed. Experiences of seeing the glow of London at night during the raids were shared along with knowledge of what it was like at the time to live through the World War.

All the pupils were excited and happy, especially as they were braving the cold damp weather. A welcome hot drink and a chance to warm themselves in the Lodge didn't go amiss. Everyone had an amazing knowledge of the subject and willingly shared with the group.